Sunday, August 26, 2012

Six Sentence Sunday

I decided to do my six sentences for my book, my very first published book, "The Finest Thing."

Aidan goes back home to Connecticut for his friend's wedding.  It will be the first time he'd ever been to a gay wedding (it wasn't long after CT legalized gay marriages)   He meets someone at the wedding, it's awkward at first.  This is a scene that takes place after the wedding when the two men are going back to their separate rooms (which just happen to be next door to each other)

"Well, I guess I'll see you tomorrow then," Aidan said, opening up his door. 

"Yeah, see you tomorrow," Paul agreed as he looked for his key. 

"Paul?" Aidan asked nervously. 

"You want to come in for a nightcap?" Aidan asked hopefully.


  1. Oh, very awkward between them. Wonder how he'll respond. Great six! :)

  2. Nice six, Lily. I've always liked that 'nervous confidence' to make the first move :)
